again i need to stop im not gonna head into animation yet more animatic also scratch animatic because there not bad to do and easy to edit also this will be in the future because you know the system for animations i will do a better job at art starting now well try mostly today or tomorrow i will be doing another sonic99rae art basically she was a fnaf anamtic/animations youtuber but then some fucking people ruined it so now shes lost but she carried the fnaf fandom during the time i may do like a remake for them because she was f**cking awesome in my statement but you know some god damn people know i dont want to swear but i may do some here and there but not a lot but it is f**ed up how the people ruined her like 2014 YouTube was twitter cancel shit now no one gives anything they dont care btw i hope she feels better rn even thought shes not on newgrounds that all i wanted to say didnt meant to rant about one person btw shout out to @coolcola456
In the future Hamilton animatic or animation, fnaf animation (style sonic99rae,) now have a deviant art account because f**k it (same as caseygaming14,) caseyworld animations like episodes or shorts maybe shorts first then episodes, basically lots of plans.
2nd edit for this i will be posting 2 Casey characters ill do caseyworld and fnaf and have maybe a shit idea a fnaf oc in a sonic99rae style ill use sonic99raes style for the fnaf ones and my own style for caseyworld. pretty much i dont know if this is good or not but who knows